Pre-Employment Phase Two Program
Individuals that have completed any certified New York State Division of Criminal Justice Service Pre-Employment Police Basic Training Program (Phase One) may return to complete Phase Two once they have been hired and sworn by any authorized police agency.
In total, the academy portion of the Phase Two program takes about a month to complete and is generally held in conjunction with the Basic Course for Police Officers, however please note: THE PHASE TWO PROGRAM IS NOW SPREAD OUT OVER SEVERAL MONTHS to align with the improvements in the delivery of the firearms curriculum within all of our Basic School program. The New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services Phase Two curriculum includes Counter-terrorism Training, Firearms, Impact Weapons and Response to the Active Shooter. The Rockland County Police and Public Safety Academy also includes the LASER certification, a review of emergency medical procedures and CPR, as well as additional state certifications in Patrol Rifle, Conducted Energy Device, Aerosol Subject Restraint, and Procedural Justice.
Recruits who successfully complete the academy portion of Phase Two must then successfully complete 160 hours of supervised field training at their home agency before their police certification is valid. Supervised field training cannot begin until the recruit has completed the academy portion of Phase Two.
Training Officers that would like to reserve space are encouraged to notify the academy early.
Agency Training Officers: contact Basic School Coordinator here